Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Sistem Respirasi I

1.    Oxygen therapy is a procedure of oxygen gas relief in patients who experience respiratory problems to the lungs via the respiratory tract by using a special tool. The goal of oxygen therapy is ...
2.      Procedure for the provision of oxygen therapy is ...
3.   Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT  = Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ) is a form of therapy by delivering 100% oxygen to a patient in a hyperbaric chamber  is a room that has more pressure than normal atmospheric air (1 atm or 760 mmHg). Under normal conditions, the oxygen carried by red blood cells throughout the body. The goal of therapy is related to the blood system is ...
4.     Nebulizer is to give a mixture of substances in the aerosol particles in air pressure. Provide purpose Nebulizer is ...
5.      Spirometry. an examination of lung physiology, most importantly, to detect the presence of airway obstruction and degree of obstruction. Spirometry results may indicate the classification PPOM. Respiratory air flow resistance in the expiratory spirometry expressed as: